
I love good group talk but it’s rare

I love group talk. More specifically a good group talk. My definition of good group talk is when one talks, others listen. But, not those being quiet and stare at the speaker but active listener, the one who shows interest, by giving short feedback. I hate it when there is one or two who dominate the group talk. I love it when everyone has a chance to talk or everyone is giving chance to each other to talk or to be the speaker. I love when we laugh together in a group relating to same jokes or some funny thing or humor. Indeed, this good group talk atmosphere is rare. But if I have it, I feel great and happy.

Why I said rare is because, not talk about a group, even good talk between 2 individuals, also not easy to find. Why? This is because this involve both see they need of being a good listener to each other. Being a good or active listener, involve asking question, see the problem of block to listening, paraphrase, minimal encourages and etc.

Not that I’m a good listener. At times, I am also fed up to be a good listener especially being with people who aren’t. But, in order to have a good talk, be it two person or a group, this principle of being a good listener still have to applied. Otherwise, no one will ever listen. It is just much noise.

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