
Songs of the Kingdom

These are the four parts harmony from song book “Songs of the Kingdom” which I did using NoteWorthyComposer software many years bank when I was practicing with song leaders in the church. Since I sing bass, there are more bass parts here. Feel free to download it for personal use.

I realize that WordPress could not play the midi file here. If you need some original source files, please contact me ya. Enjoy!

Song Name No Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
Amazing Grace 800 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
And Can It Be – I Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
And Can It Be – II Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
Angels We Have Heard On High 554 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
Awesome God 445 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
Create In Me A Pure Heart 1 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
Encourage My Soul 704 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
Fairest Lord Jesus 453 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
Follow Me 439 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
Go And Make Disciples 214 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
God Almighty Reigns 216 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
God Is So Good 706 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
Great Among The Nations 206 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
Holy Father 395 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
I Will Speak 466 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
Just As I Am 471 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
Let Your Living Water Flow 720 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
Men Who Dream 204 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
My Hope Is Built 463 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
Precious Lord 364 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
Rise Up, O Men Of God 384 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
Seek Ye First 446 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
Soldier Of Christ, Arise! 444 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
Stand In Awe 213 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
Thank You, Lord 700 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
The Lord's My Shepherd 114 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
This Is My Father's World 391 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
We Will Glorify 378 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross 382 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Combine

Some singing conviction:

  • Paul says, “I will pray with the Spirit, but I will also pray with my mind. I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my mind” (1 Corinthians 14: 15). We need to maintain the important balance between the youthfulness of the “Spirit” with the maturity of the “mind.”
  • Wanna know the stories behind Hymns?
  • Most singing is not done with the voice but with the ears and the brain.” Giuseppe De Luca

Listen to all the notes for Bass Clef and start from C and a solfeggio.

C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C


Software Engineering

My Software Development Principles

Everyone has his/her own working principles and these are some of mine. These principles are the main one I always focus in my software or website development. Well, just some of my principles 🙂

For me, this means the system is easy to use or user-friendly. This includes good navigation link, consistency, correct usage of font size, font color and font family. My role model of this principle is Jakob Nielsen, the king of usability.

For me, means no redundant code. Clean code gives me 2 main benefits. First, smaller file size which helps web page to load faster and save up bandwidth. Secondly, it helps me to maintain it better because I know exactly the usage of every single code. My entire, only has less than 40Kb 🙂

Easy maintenance
During every stage of the development, I always try to make the system as easy to maintain as possible. One of the way is to modularize those same code. I know if I don’t put extra effort to make sure the system is easy to maintain, I will sure have much nightmare debugging or when there is a need for future enhancement.

ZHobbies & Collectibles

Malaysian Old Coin Collections

I can’t remember exactly when I started to collect old coins. Perhaps the motivation started a little when my father gave me some coins. I do have some notes too but here I will just share my Malaysia old coin collection first. I don’t think I plan to sell any of them yet but I’m okay to exchange with the coins I do not have or if you have some of the coins which I do not have yet, I might consider to buy from you too. I wish to collect more old 50 cents and RM1 gold coins too.

Year 1 cents 5 cents 10 cents 20 cents 50 cents
Year 1 cents 5 cents 10 cents 20 cents 50 cents
199511N/A 1
Year 1 cents 5 cents 10 cents 20 cents 50 cents
2013 1111
2014 1111

N/A – No coin minted that year

Special coins

  • Straits Settlements 1 cent (King Emperor George VI) – Year 1919 and 1920
  • Commissioners Of Currency Malaya ½ cent (King Emperor George VI) – Year 1940
  • Commissioners Of Currency Malaya 1 cent (King Emperor George VI) – Year 1943 and 1945
  • Malaya and British Borneo 1 cent – Year 1962
  • 30 Tahun Merdeka (1957-1987) $1 – Year 1987
  • Sukan Asia Tenggara Ke XV 5 Ringgit – Year 1989
  • Bunya Raya Series $1 – Year 1993

Christmas: Happiness vs Joy

I like a point which was discussed about happiness vs joy during tonight’s Christmas gathering. After pondering back several answers feedback by some, here are my thoughts:

I know the two words are created by men but you can use different words like joy vs true/pure joy. Regardless of what choice of words you can come out with, these two words are just used here to differentiate these two similar emotions in a deeper level of perspectives.

These are few verses from the bible can provide the meaning of these two similar emotions pretty accurately:

16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal – 2 Corinthians 4: 16-18

So what are some examples of something you can see. You can use this keywords like external, physical, material things. Examples, car, house, money, promotion, status, title, qualifications, career and etc.

What about the unseen things? Examples, you found the meaning and purpose of life, you found your goal or dreams what you want to do, be or achieve, you found your spiritual faith/belief, you gain new friendship, you feel that you have improved in your knowledge, skill and experience in certain area, you manage to give up certain bad habits, the sincere kindness you shown to people, you feel that you have grown in your spiritual maturity, you encourage someone who needed the most and etc.


More examples:

  • A clown looks like he has happiness because he always smile, laugh and make others smile and laugh. But he might not have joy from the inside. After he back home, he actually very depressed about this life.
  • Mr A is happy because he got a bonus and increment. But Mr A might not have joy if he is still complaining how little bonus he got compare to others. But he could also have the joy if he sees that he has grown in his knowledge, skill and experience he gained this year.
  • Miss A is happy because she receives an expensive gift. But Miss A might not be happy because that gift is just another gift in her collection. Miss B is happy and joyful when she receives a gift from her husband. Even though that gift is inexpensive for her, Miss B understands that her husband has chosen the exact design she likes which shown that her husband is observant to her and more touched when she realizes that he has saved up for some time to buy that gift.

Personally, I think this is the year which I give the least Christmas gifts. Partly this is because I am giving much priority towards things like job-searching. Then another incident which make me reflect more about Christmas is when someone in the online forum shared that his church disallow Christmas celebration because it is man-made. As I thought through, yeah, I think all these years I have been entangled by this man-made universal Christmas tradition – give and receive gifts. Yes, I should have think more and plan what to give to appreciate them especially my parents and my close friends in the church, but the positive side is I have a deeper reflection on the true meaning and true joy of Christmas this year besides knowing the fact that Jesus born as my Savior of course 🙂

So, in this Christmas, do you encounter/gain more happiness (i.e. receives much gifts) or more joy? Sometimes it is easily for us to get carried away by certain man-made traditions like Santa Clause, being too busy to shop and wrap gifts during Christmas. It is actually good to do so but when we do it with pressure and do just for the sake of it or out of guilt, then maybe it is time to reflect deeper the true meaning of Christmas and what “joy” is all about.


Bye 2014 and prepare to Welcome New 2015

Year 2014 is will coming to its end in 1 week plus. It is a good time to have some reflection time for year 2014 both the negative and positive.

What’s the negative? i.e., sad things happened, certain characters still unable to change, mistakes, blunder, failures. [ Self-talk response: Yes, I acknowledge it but I shall not dwell in it or too regret about it because I cannot undo it. Instead, I just need to learn from it, make a few decisions to change, starting from the major areas. ]

What’s the positive? i.e, special happy moments, new friendship, the love and encouragement you received, certain characters you overcome, growth (i.e. career, knowledge, spiritually), achievement. [ Self-talk response: Thank God for all these and to remember it ]

As year 2015 is approaching, it is also good to plan a little of what you wish to accomplish or become, just as Stephen  Covey puts it, ‘Begin with the End in Mind‘ 🙂
