
The Beauty Of Second Greatest Commandment

Matthew 22: 39 – And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

Mark 12: 31 – The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.

God’s Word is so brilliant, practical, realistic and achievable – “Love Your Neighbors”. Who are your neighbors? In my opinion, my neighbors are the people in my circle of daily life. My neighbors can be my real neighbors who stay next door. My ‘neighbors’ also can be the people around my life, example my parent whom I stay together with, my colleagues who sit around me, my team in workplace, my church group, my church small group, my Saturday futsal kakis and etc.

Imagine if the verse changed to “Love every single one in your church” or “Love every single one in your country”. If a church is just 10-15 people, maybe that is still possible. But what if the church is about 400 people? How is it possible to think about 400 people all the time or on regular basis? God knows that we sure got ‘neighbors’ unless that person works alone at his home and stay by himself in one island.

Since ‘neighbors’ can be so plentiful. So, I divide it into two categories. One category is the ‘regular neighbors’ in your life. Another category is the ‘irregular neighbors’. Regular ones are those you meet regular or daily. Irregular ones are those you don’t know when you will bound into them. Since you don’t know when you will meet those irregular neighbors, I think we should give priority to focus on the regular neighbors first.

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