Software Engineering Visual Studio 2003

Starbucks Simple Payroll System

Next week, the Software Engineering one month course I am teaching will end. Overall, I am happy to see the progress of my students. They have improved much in their programming skills. Their assignment title is “Starbucks Simple Payroll System”. While they are doing their assignment, I also do a sample version for them. So, just to print screen some here.

Some sample documentation I created for students are reference:

Demo version –

For more info or if you also wish to learn how to develop a simple payroll system like this, feel free to contact me. That’s all for today 🙂

Software Engineering Visual Studio 2003

FREE Web Programming Tutorial – How to create a database and table with Visual Studio

Created my first youtube tutorial at last. More youtube tutorial coming soon 🙂 Happy Learning!

ASP.NET 1.1 VB.NET Visual Studio 2003

Some difficulties of learning ASP.NET

Difficulties 1: Tools
Say, in your company, you are using Visual Studio 2003 and in order to improve your skill, you want to put give more time to learn it at home. But, the problem is you do not have Visual Studio 2003 at home. You went to check and realize that there is one which is free called Visual Web Developer 2005, but it is for ASP.NET 2.0 only.

Solution: Not found yet. (I think I’ll just learn ASP.NET 2.0 at home while in office, I will learn ASP.NET 1.1)

Side-point about ASP.NET framework and Visual Studio IDE:

IDE  Free light version IDE
Visual Studio .NET 2002Requires 1.0 ASP.NET Framework *Supports 1.0 ASP.NET Framework onlyNot available
Visual Studio .NET 2003Requires 1.1 ASP.NET FrameworkSupports 1.1 ASP.NET Framework onlyNot available
Visual Studio .NET 2005Requires 2.0 ASP.NET FrameworkSupports 2.0 ASP.NET Framework onlyVisual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition
Visual Studio 2008Requires 3.5 ASP.NET FrameworkSupports 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 ASP.NET Framework (2.0 and 3.0 ASP.NET Framework will automatically be installed)Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition **
* During the earliest version of ASP.NET, in some places, you might not see the version number. Instead they just put ASP.NET. But this is actually refering to ASP.NET 1.0 version.

** You might bound into different terms like Visual Studio Express Edition instead of Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition. This is my understanding. An analogy to explain the word “Studio” is by using Microsoft Office. Under Microsoft Office, there are Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint. This “Studio” is like Microsoft Office. So, to be more clear and organized, Visual Studio Express Edition consists of:

  • Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition
  • Visual Basic (.NET) 2008 Express Edition
  • Visual C# 2008 Express Edition
  • Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition
  • SQL Server 2008 Express Edition
  • Difficulties 2: Terms
    (You already gotten some confusing terms from above.)

    Certains terms in ASP.NET could be quite confusing. And seems like those to come out with this terms, do not realize this problem. Otherwise, there will be more articles and diagrams to clear up this confusion.

    Example: ASP.NET vs .NET Framework vs ASP.NET Framework vs .NET? For my knowledge right know, they all are refering to the same thing.

    More examples: dataset, datagrid, gridview, dataadapter, datareader, datatable, dataview, detailsview, datalist, formview and repeater. Some terms remain the same from .NET 1.1 to .NET 2.0, but some are new terms from .NET 2.0.

    Solution: The second diagram at the bottom at this page helps to clear up some of the above terms.

    Lastly, please correct me if I got any inaccurate information here. Thanks in advance.


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    ASP.NET 1.1 Visual Studio 2003

    Debug vs Release Build

    During implementation stage, what we normally do is we build (or compile) it as usual and then copy and paste the dll file from local to development server for testing.

    And after the testing is succesfully, we moved the dll from development server to staging server for testing again and then to production server.

    Everything seems fine but one thing I didn’t realize (or easily forget to do) is there is a release build. The difference between the two:

  • debug build consists of debugging information in Microsoft format and no optimization, which means the dll file size is larger.
  • release build does not consist debugging information in Microsoft format but got optimization, which means the dll file size is smaller. Thus, better performance.
  • I tried. Using debug build, my dll file size is 48 KB, while using release build it is just 44 KB. Not big difference, but imagine if you have many dlls, it counts a lot.

    In conclusion, we should use debug build during our local development while release build during implementation.

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