Software Engineering Visual Studio 2003

Starbucks Simple Payroll System

Next week, the Software Engineering one month course I am teaching will end. Overall, I am happy to see the progress of my students. They have improved much in their programming skills. Their assignment title is “Starbucks Simple Payroll System”. While they are doing their assignment, I also do a sample version for them. So, just to print screen some here.

Some sample documentation I created for students are reference:

Demo version –

For more info or if you also wish to learn how to develop a simple payroll system like this, feel free to contact me. That’s all for today 🙂


Organize your code with Region

When you have many related functions, you can consider to group them together using Region.

Example, if you have four functions which are related to Paging, you can just add a region like below (ASP.NET 1.1, VB.NET syntax):

#Region "Paging"

Public Property CurrentPage() As Integer
' Your code here ...
End Property

Private Sub ImgBtnPrevBottom_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImgBtnPrevBottom.Click
' Your code here ...
End Sub

Private Sub ImgBtnNextBottom_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImgBtnNextBottom.Click
' Your code here ...
End Sub

Private Sub ItemsGet()
' Your code here ...
End Sub

#End Region

Now, go to your Visual Studio 2003. Click Edit > Outlining > Collapse to Definitions, you will see the below:

It is very simple to do, yet useful.

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