
Stand By Me

In my nine years as a Christian, I think this is one of my happiest and most memorable moments of my life. But that day when we performed it but rather the entire process of this performance. This short video was a play done by the choir of Central Christian Church during 2004 Year End Banquet. The theme of the banquet was Acts FM 2.42.

I remember how stupid were we when trying out those crazy ideas (sumo, blind old man, handicap, hip-hop, matrix) in a place in University Hospital. I love the stunned the brothers did the stun during the rehersal in church office.

I am thankful to have these bunch of brothers and sisters in my life at that time. Thanks for the support you gave me. Thanks for bearing with my weaknesses. Penny, thanks for your input and being open about your bad attitude to me. Dennon, old buddy old pal, I love your comedy act. I need to admit that you did better than me. You are so natural and quick-minded to respond to much impromptu. I felt honored to act with you. Je Wei, you did a fantastic job. You are out of yourself and very outstanding. Sim, we did it. Remember how hard we keep ourselves from laughing during practising those few short scripts? Hehe … Seh Yen, I am proud of you. You are someone who are not afraid to try anything like that hip-hop. Even though your hip-hop got critized, you didn’t continue to get discouraged and gave up. I love your zeal, which you still the same after three years.

For the rest whom I didn’t mentioned here, I just want to thanks you for your support. I really enjoyed my friendship with you guys during that moment. Alrite, enough nostalgia. Gotta makan my roti bomb now. Enjoy watching!

The above is the Live Version

Date: 31 December 2004
Actors: Steve Ngai, Dennon Low,
Je Wei, Ong, Kee Soon
Actresses: Wendy Lum, Sim, Seh Yen,
Wai Yee (Elena), Penny Wong
Theme: Stand By Me

Below is the Audition Version: Let me know which version you prefer 🙂

Photos for the LIVE version.


Taman Midah Indian Rojak

If you happen to go to Tesco (Taman Midah branch. Last time was Marco), I suggest you to take a break to eat this Indian rojak, which is located just opposite of Tesco. Which opposite side exactly? If you come from Taman Midah, you will pass by this stall before you reach Tesco car park area. This stall is located at the right side. I took this picture below while enjoying my rojak. As you can see, Tesco is just at the opposite of this stall.

One plate or rojak will costs you RM3. By the way, they also sell cendol. And they open during afternoon time, from around 12pm until 5pm. Try this yummy Indian rojak.


June / July Health Status

Toward the end of May 2007, I went for Health Checkup. This comprehensive health check-up costed me RM550. I feel the need to have a health check-up because of my stress and other reasons. I worry if this stress will cause me some inner damage or cancer. I think it is a good idea to do so also because it has been some time since the last I had one. This RM550 includes a comprehensive health checkup and a life-time membership of this center, called “Wellness Laboratories Centre”. And this membership is not only for myself but also for my whole family like my mother, father, brother and future spouse. With this membership, we all can get 50% of discount for this health check-up. Meaning, the next time, I go for this same health check-up, I just need to pay RM275 (50% of RM550). I think it is worth is because it is also for my family and it is life-time.

In this health check-up, there are few things they need from me, mainly blood and urine. Around two weeks later, they called me to take the health report. I was suprised to know that my blood type is AB Positive. All these while, I thought I am Blood O Type. For the blood result, it was not too bad overall. But, she pointed out that my red blood’s color is lighter than usual and also they are in different shape. I told her that I was inherited with Thalassemia and she adviced me to take another test to confirm this. I did went back for that test but yet to receive the report. I received the result already and the report suggested that I have Thalassaemia.

She also told me that the result shows that I do not have antibody for Hepatitis A. This suprised me too but I am thankful to realize it before anything happen to me. So, I went back to get a jap to get the antibody for Hepatitis A. And that costs me RM130 (member’s price. Non-member is RM150) and I need another one after six months.

If you have been some time since your last comprehensive health check-up, I would advice you to go for one. There could be some important things you should know but you do not know now. It is wise to know this fact before something gets worse. I remember that I once I heard, people who diagnoses with cancer, only know it when it is in dangerous stage.

Califonia Fitness in July
I went to California Fitness three times in July. Thanks to Kok Meng for giving me one month VIP free trial. 3 July 2007 was my first visit. That day, Kok Meng and Roger went for swimming while I went for jogging because I didn’t bring my swimming trunk. Furthermore, I don’t really know how to swim and also not too interested in it. Anyway, back to my first jogging there, the machine I used was the one with a handlers at the side and there is a turning roller I am stepping on. This turning roller will increase its speed according to what I set on the machine. With the help of the Indian uncle next to me and a little bit of exploration of myself, I got to know how to use it.

I felt pretty good about it after a while. I can increase the speed. I can see how much calori has been burnt. I can see how long I have jogged and the distance. So, I went for another time the following week (12 July 2007) and then third one (24 July 2007) few days ago. Each visit, I spent 30 minutes of exercise on average.

You know, I have shared before that I need to exercise at least once a week due to my physical health. But, I have stopped playing badminton for around one month plus due to many unforseen circumstances. But, thank God for this VIP card and also for the out-reach to set in Mid-Valley. If it was set in other place, I think I will lazy to go there to exercise.

I confirm that I am someone who is competitive (not a strength I think). It revealed again during my jogging there. When I jog and there was no one besides me, I will imagine competing with someone. When someone next to me jogs (especially a strong runner) , I just want to compete or challenge him (inside my heart). Example, I want to jog longer or to burn more calori than him or seeing that who stops first loose.

The card will expired on 2 August 2007. Hopefully, I can go to there to exercise one more time.


Second Best Fish Head Noodles

I like to eat Fish Head Noddles and I rank this as the second best (own ranking). It’s strength is in the sup. In fact, I would say, its sup is the best. The reason I rank this to be the second best because of the fish. The fish has too many bones!

You can get it from this coffee shop, called “Kedai Makanan Red Leaf” (Jalan Chin Chin. Nearest LRT station is Hang Tuah). RM5 for one bowl (large size). Give it a try if you can.


Best Mee Kue Tiaw Goreng

I ranked this mee campur kue tiaw goreng best in my life at this time. This tasty food is located behind Concorde Hotel, near KLCC. The name of this Malay stall is D Zeetee Enterprise Catering. Contact number is 012-2600085.

The reasons why I rank this mee campur kue tiaw goreng No. 1 is because:

  • The taste and gravy are well-balanced. The combination is ideal. Example, they put egg in it.
  • The mee is not too soft. Some mee goreng I saw is too soft, making is sticky too. Yuk!
  • It is cheap. Just RM3.50, you got chickens and 2-3 prawns in it.
  • It is different from mamak’s mee goreng because mamak’s mee goreng depends a lot on the instant noddles’ flavor, which is unhealthy.

I have tried to eat just kue tiaw goreng but it is not as tasty compare to mee mix with kue tiaw. Perhaps that gives a reason why mee mix with kue tiaw is RM0.50 more expensive compare to just mee alone.

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