
Inspiration by E-Mail by David Guzik – Theme For A New Year

Two days ago, I digged back some very old emails and read them again (It wasn’t too hard to search it. Thanks to gmail). I got this email because I have subscribed “Inspiration by E-mail” at Once you have added your email to their mailing list, you will receive a weekly devotional written by David Guzik. Here, I would like to post two inspiring weekly devotional emails by David Guzik. I feel that they are so well-written, easy to understand and yet convicting. I always feel inspired by David’s heart and his deep conviction. The width of the text is not too long for easier to read. Alright, here you go:

Inspiration by E-Mail for the Week of January 1, 2006


“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

There is a sense in which the coming of a New Year means absolutely nothing – we can say that nothing changes on New Year’s Day. But there is also a sense in which we are more willing than ever to change our outlook and approach to life at the beginning of a new year than at any other time. Even if people have little intention of keeping their New Year’s resolutions, they make them for a reason – they are willing to take a good look at their lives at that moment. At any fitness center, the absolute busiest time of the year is the first few weeks of the New Year – because everyone has decided to do things better in the New Year.

If this is so, then why not use the beginning of a new year to re- establish a proper focus in our Christian lives? I can’t think of two more important principles to keep in mind for a new year than John 15:5 and Philippians 4:13. This week we’ll look at the John passage, and next week at the Philippians verse.

John 15:5 communicates a simple principle to us: Jesus is like a vine and we are like the branches connected to that vine. Therefore, He is our source of all life and nourishment. It is foolish and unhelpful to connect to anything else for strength. That being so, the secret to the Christian life is abiding: a close, intimate walk with Jesus; living with Him. Such a walk is forever built upon the basics of the Christian life: prayer, Bible reading and study, fellowship with believers and service to God’s church and a needy world.

The branches of a grape vine are meant to bear fruit, and God wants us to bear much fruit for Him. This instinct is in the heart of a Christian; they want to bear fruit for God, but many of us are ashamed because we sense that we have borne little fruit for Him. Bearing fruit comes naturally as we abide. This can be a year when you bear much fruit for God – leading others to Jesus Christ; serving God’s people in new capacities; seeing the work of God’s kingdom growing.

But without Jesus, we can do nothing. We think we can do so much for Jesus without Him, and often we try in the very best intentions of our heart – but anything we think we accomplish for Jesus apart from Him really counts for nothing in the final analysis. Perhaps as you look over this last year, you see that you have accomplished nothing – right here, Jesus tells you why!

It isn’t that we can’t accomplish anything – at least in the eyes of man – without Jesus. We just cannot accomplish anything of eternal weight. We may climb the ladder of success, only to find that it was leaning up against the wrong building. If we attempt anything without Jesus, we will fail miserably – or succeed even more miserably.

He is like a vine, you are like a branch – start the year closely connected to Him.

By David Guzik


Inspiration by E-Mail for the Week of January 8, 2006

THEME FOR A NEW YEAR (continued)

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)

I remember as a child being so excited about staying up past midnight on New Year’s Eve. I expected that as the clock hit 12, there would be something like a brilliant flash in the sky, or something else to make it obvious we were passing from one year to another. Nothing happened. I just stayed up late and was grumpy from lack of sleep the next day. So, in one sense, the New Year changes nothing. But in another sense, it is a rare time when people are actually willing to examine their lives and set priorities. If there is any fitting theme or priority in the Christian life, it is well expressed by John 15:5 and Philippians 4:13.

Last week we saw the importance of John 15:5: “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” We really can’t do anything of eternal value unless we are abiding – that is, living daily life – in Jesus.

But the truth of Philippians 4:13 is just as important to remember for the New Year: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

This is the other side of the coin of John 15:5 – without Jesus, we can do nothing; with Him, we can do all things. That sounds pretty good! With all the resolutions we make at the beginning of the year (perhaps you have already broken some of yours) we would love to have the ability to do all things. But the promise of Philippians 4:13 is even more powerful than we might first think.

We can understand the power of Philippians 4:13 if we examine the context. What were some of the “all things” Paul was able to accomplish through the strength of Jesus? From the context, we see that it was the strength to persist through abuse. It was the strength to no give up while he was hungry and suffering need. It was the ability to keep going even though he was in distress. Paul was able to do these things in Jesus’ strength. The context also tells us Paul, in Jesus, had the strength to abound, to be full, and to accomplish big things in Jesus. Good times or bad, the strength of Jesus was there to make the difference.

So, what was it like this last year? Which will it be this next year? Was 2005 a year of doing nothing – because you were not abiding in Jesus? Will 2006 be a year of doing all things, because you abide in the strength of Jesus? God opens these doors for us because of the victory Jesus has won on the cross.

This year, remember the two principles: without Him, you can do nothing; through Him, you can do all things. With this in mind, it will be a great year.

By David Guzik


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Milestone – Ten Year as Christian (Part 2 – End)

Note: Some content of this blog is more relatable to the members of Central Christian Church. Some content of this blog is taken from my dairy which was written at that point of time.

Some Earliest Funny Moments 😀
When I was a young Christian, I thought I can’t open my eye when praying. Once, I prayed with two brothers. We took turn and they prayed for very long and I struggle because when I closed my eyes for too long, I feel like I want to faint. Only later, I realized that I don’t need to close my eyes when I pray. Haha … I always laughed about this when think back.

When I was being asked what holds me back to become Christian, I said, “I’m afraid I can’t play snooker anymore.” That time, I was so crazy about playing snooker. I brought five tapes to watch and learn snooker. I went to the snooker center at Kotaraya, 4th floor almost everyday for an average of four to five hours. Then, Raymond said, “No, you can play but play with the Christian lah.”. That fixed it! Haha!

First Time
Everyone has his/her first time of doing certain things. So, here are some from me, in this church for the past ten years.

  • First time sharing on the stage – It was during mother’s Day on 10 May 1998. My legs was literally shaking uncontrolably when I got on the stage. 😀
  • First time study bible with people – I did Seeking God study with a friend called Yap on 20 October 1998. Choo sat in. I brought along Preach your word boldly booklet and did not do it well and smooth.
  • Share good news in the leadership for the first time – It was at the beginning of year 2002.
  • Share and conducted a bible discussion during bible talk for the first time – It was at Shirley’s house on 10 September 2004. The title was “Man with Leprosy”.
  • Pray for the first time during church service – It was during a mid-week on Sep 2005.
  • First time lead a group – Thanks to Jack Ngui and Burt and most of all, God who gave me this opportunity to lead a group of seven from March 2006 until December 2006. It has been always my dream and I know that I have gave my best during these period. 🙂

BIG Happy Moments 🙂
I think these are the big happy, special and memorable moments in these ten years. Really miss these great moments.

  • First year as Christian (1998-1999) – Received a lot of love, enocouragement, attention especially from my campus group that time. Perhaps because I was a young Christian that time.
  • Stand By Me (Nov 2003 – Dec 2003) – At that time church has a choir team and the choir was asked to perform something during banquet. After some brainstorming, we have decided to perform a short play entitled “Stand By Me“. The team was united, fun and warm.
  • Old Klang Road group (Jan 2004 – Jun 2005) – This group has been well-known of being a family style group and indeed it is. Not only that, it is also always fun being with some fun people at that time.
  • GT group (Mar 2006 – Dec 2006) – Perhaps due to small size of this group and one common language, Cantonese, majority of us feel close to each other and the group was united, plus warm and fun too. I really enjoyed the group conversation and group laughter we had.

Here I would like to take the opportunity to encourage the christians. No matter how tired and tough your life is, don’t give up. Hang on there. The road could be hard to walk sometimes but perhaps that is what Jesus is talking about at Matthew 7:14, “But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.“.

With God’s strength (Phi 4:13) and by grace through faith (Eph 2:8) and encouragement from one another (Heb 3:13; Heb 10:24-25), surely we can complete this spiritual journey together.

For those who is doing okay or great now, keep it up. Guarding our heart is an ongoing thing. For those you have opportunity to study bible or be involed in people’s life, hey, give your best. You will never know what difference you can make to someone’s life.


From – Milestone – Ten Year as Christian (Part 1)


Best ‘Lo Mai Kai’

If you are Chinese in Malaysia, probably you know this food called “Lo Mai Kai” (it is Cantonese word). Both my mom and I agree that the “Lo Mai Kai” at Sun Fatt’s Restaurant, is the best. It is five minutes walk from Taman Midah Indian Rojak. But, remember don’t eat too much ya, not a healthy food.


Milestone – Ten Year as Christian (Part 1)

Note: Some content of this blog is more relatable to the members of Central Christian Church.

30 April 2008 was quite a milestone for me as I have been a Christian for ten years. In the month of April 1998, I was invited by my mom, Karen and I visited the church for the first time on Sunday, 26 April 1998, which held in 18th floor, Melia Hotel. When my mom and I reached there, we were ushered to second front row and the preacher that time was Halbert Louis. He preached a sermon called “What are you waiting for?”. Perhaps first impression stays the longest.

Then, the christian reached out to me and studied bible with me the following fours days continually.

  • Monday, 27 April 1998, Weng Hong studied with me Seeking God.
  • Tuesday, 28 April 1998, Raymond Chang studied with me four studies I think; Word, Jesus the only way, Discipleship and Sin study.
  • Wednesday, 29 April 1998, three studies; Repentance and Baptism study by Michael Wong and Cross study by Vincent Sim. Michael asked me to let my parent know and I did. My father persecuted me a bit, saying that if I become Christian, he will not give me allowance anymore. But, the next day, he still give me RM50 allowance. My mom reaction was completed opposite from my father. She was very happy about it.
  • Thursday, 30 April 1998, the did some follow-up studies with me and that night I got baptized at Seri Emas Condo. If I remember correctly, the person who baptized me was Michael Wong, who was KL Campus’ bible talk leader that time.

(Thanks to Gabrielle who help me to scan my good old baptism photos)
One eye blink, ten years flew by. Now I getting older and my hair is getting lesser 🙁 But, I thank God that I’m still alive, not botak yet and for all his blessings in these ten years 🙂 And I would like to take this little opportunity to thank all these people.

  • My mom – who invited me to this church.
  • Weng Hong – who studied the bible with me.
  • Raymond Chang – who studied the bible with me. Among all who study bible with me, I think I appreciate him the most. Maybe, he study with me the most, four study continuously, which took seven hours in the same day and helped me to me to change. Not sure where you are. Hope you want to come back to God.
  • Michael Wong – who studied the bible with me.
  • Vincent Sim – who studied the bible with me.
  • Jack Ngui – my first ‘discipler’ (spiritual mentor) who help my first two years as Christian. One of the memories we have is the Chinese tea and playing Chinese chess and singing songs together.

Most of all, God, who sustained me all these years, the teaching and guidance from his Word, his blessings and encouragement, the Holy Spirit and Jesus who is my Saviour.

To Be Continue – Milestone – Ten Year as Christian (Part 2)


California Fitness – Part 3

March and April’s attendance
Another two more months has passed since Part 2. So, how has I been? Here are some statistic of these two months. For March, my attendance is 85% (miss twice) and for April is 92% (miss once). But, still gotta continue to keep it up, which is still not easy.

Personal Traning (PT)
April is a special month for me because I took up Personal Training (PT). I plan to take up PT but not in the month of April as April is my church’s high month. But due to certain reasons, I signed up. These five sessions which cost me RM378 (included 5% tax), are to be finished in one month time. Has my weight and muscle increased a lot? Not really, just a little. How come it seem to hard to even gain one tiny kilogram? But, I do feel good of these PT and I am quite satisfied the way my personal trainer trained me. If I have the budget, I might continue this PT.

Immune System
I have been monitoring my own immune system since beginning of this year and I think my immune system is okay overall as from 7 Jan until today, I haven’t taken any MC.

What I learnt about immune system is it depends on these four golden factors:

  • Enough rest – Our human body is not robot and designed to have rest/sleep at the end of the day. This rest rebuild cells in our body and replenish our strength for the next day again. I think in average we need six to eight hours, depends on our age.
  • Eat healthy food & supplement – Example, eat less meat, more vegetables, fruits and natural food and drink much clean water. Why we need supplement? The food we eat outside doesn’t contain enough nutrien for our body and some nutrien is not easy to get from the normal food that we eat. If you don’t know which supplement to get, I would like to recommend spirulina, at least. This spirulina is quite like a multi-vitamins for you.
  • Regular exercise – Why regular exercise helps? Because when we exercise, our body release sweat. This sweat is toxin in our body. Also when much sweat came out, we will naturally drink more water and eventually urine more. This urine is also the toxin in our body as well. Also when we exercise, normally that include streching which helps to reduce stress.
  • Healthy emotion – Those who always live in fear, guilt, anxiety, stress will easily gets sick. Also, the famous section from Reader Digest, “Laughter is the best medicine”.

Usually, I see myself doing okay for the first three area but not the last area. My weakness I guess but gotta work harder on it. That’s it of some update of myself at California Fitness for now. Thanks for reading. 🙂

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