Software Engineering

Could not start the world wide web publishing service on local computer error 1717: the interface is unknown

When I try to restart services like “FTP Publishing” and “World Wide Web Publishing”, it keeps on pop up this annoying message, “could not start the world wide web publishing service on local computer error 1717: the interface is unknown”

Finally, I realized that this is due to Event Log has been disabled. Once I changed it back to “Automatic” and started it, I can start back “FTP Publishing” service and “World Wide Web Publishing” service now.

Information Technology (General)

Attach multiple attachments from Gmail

I just realize that I can attach multiple attachments from Gmail. To do so, you just need to hold down the Ctrl key and select as many files you want to attach. That’s it.

Information Technology (General)

Want your laptop to load faster?

For those who do not know yet, one way is to reduce the start up programs. To do so,

1. Go to “Start” > “Run”. Type “msconfig” and click “Ok”.

2. At the “Startup” tab, select the programs which you do not need to load during start up.

I don’t think we do not need most of the programs during start up as we can run the programs manually after start up. For me, I have only selected three.

Once done, click “Ok” and click “Restart”. See if it load faster now. 🙂

SQL / Stored Procedures SQL Server 2000

Cannot perform bulk insert. Invalid collation name for source column 1 in format file ‘C:bcp.fmt’.

It took me a while to finally figured what what went wrong to fix the above error. The problem is my bcp.fmt needs to have an empty line at the last row.

The first screen capture is the one before I added the empty line and the second screen capture is the one after I added the empty line. Take note of the cursor.

After you have added the empty line, it should works.

SQL / Stored Procedures SQL Server 2000


Let’s try this out. First, open your SQL Query Analyzer. Then, run these three lines of code. (I assume your SQL Server 2000 has default Pubs database).

Use Pubs
SELECT au_lname FROM authors

Then, change from SET NOCOUNT ON to SET NOCOUNT OFF and run them.

Use Pubs
SELECT au_lname FROM authors

Spot the difference?

Okay, if you didn’t, the hint is at the left bottom tab. Click Messages tab. Got it? The difference is

  • SET NOCOUNT ON – the count is not returned
  • SET NOCOUNT OFF – the count is returned
  • Why we need to set it ON or OFF? Answer is performance. If set it ON, it has a better performance.

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